2653 W Devon Ave

Please visit us in person for better prices

Feel free to call if you have any questions

2653 W Devon Ave Please visit us in person for better prices Feel free to call if you have any questions


Please leave us a call to setup an appointment for online shopping, and access thousands of different styles from your home. We will personally show you our endless collection through face-cam and ship your order directly to your house!

773-759-7786 (Weekdays)

773-876-7677 (Weekends)



4 Suits for 100

Are you looking for casual suits that fit comfortably and are made for everyday use? Whether that be to take a trip to the grocery store, go to the library, or just wear at home. Well look no further! At Zara Collection, we offer affordable casual wear. Think of it as the Pakistani or Desi equivalent of wearing jeans and a shirt. Except, for 25 dollars you can buy an entire fit! The price tag comes with the pants, suit, and dupata. Now that’s a good deal!


3 Suits for 100

Maybe you’re growing tired of your suits lacking the quality that you desire. In that case, you can get our latest Munira brands for just 33 dollars. These suits include premium embroidery which is a tradition in cultural Pakistani clothing, adding a whole another layer of depth to your suit. If you ever want to up your fashion level, these are the suits to go for!

2 Suits for 100

Okay, maybe you’re even more serious about the clothes you wear. At this point, you likely need them for a special occasion such as gifting someone, visiting relatives, eating at a fancy restaurant, or just wanting to wear something relaxed yet suitable for every situation. Well, our 2 for 100 Suits are made for just that. These semi-formal suits are brought to you by expensive brands that deliver nothing but quality material!


Long Frock for 185150

Gharara for 175140

You ever have that wedding to attend, but just don’t know where to shop? After coming to Zara Collection, your search will come to an end! Our party wear includes everything you need to stand out in a formal setting, delivered to you at a price that is rarely seen. Although it seems like a hefty price, these suits are usually sold in the 400-800 range. However, at Zara Collection, we are dedicated to giving you party wear that anyone can afford. Our party wear suits come from high-end brands that leave an elegant feel to your clothing, leaving you with a fashionable suit in your collection that endures countless weddings and formal situations, lasting months or even years! The best part? The suits are currently on sale for 140-150, so grab them while you can!

Customer Reviews

Don’t believe us? Then check out what our customers have to say on google reviews. We work hard to make sure our customers leave the store satisfied, so please feel free to leave us a visit or call, we promise you won’t regret it!